Why isn’t AGA listed on CEX?

At AgoraHub, we prioritize transparency and sustainability—values that align with the decentralized ethos of Web3. For this reason, AGA will not pursue listings on Centralized Exchanges (CEXs). Instead, AGA will focus exclusively on Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) to foster a more open, fair, and trustless ecosystem.

CEXes often rely on opaque practices, including reliance on market makers, artificial trading volumes, and hidden fees, which compromise trust and transparency. By steering clear of CEXes, we eliminate these risks, ensuring AGA’s growth remains organic, driven by genuine demand and community engagement.

Listing exclusively on DEXes aligns with our mission of decentralization. Unlike CEX, DEX platforms empower users by offering full control over their assets, removing intermediaries, and promoting transparent, on-chain transactions. This approach safeguards our community’s interests and ensures AGA's accessibility remains aligned with the core principles of Web3.

Our decision echoes the bold move made by SwissBorg, which delisted its BORG token from all CEX platforms. SwissBorg prioritized independence and long-term sustainability over short-term gains, setting a powerful precedent for projects like AGA.

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